About Me
I’m a certified life coach helping mid-life Moms create their next “best chapter”
I am a wife, mom….blah, blah, blah. Forget the perfectly coiffed profile. Here’s my real story:
I saw myself as two Marys before I arrived at the empty-nester threshold.
There’s the career Mary who lived in San Francisco for ten years after college. I can still feel the rush of catching a cab to the financial district (latte in hand, of course) and racing to my office to get a client presentation done on deadline. I felt fit, loved my job, my friends, my life. I felt good.
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During my thirties I started feeling burned out. About this time I met my husband. We got married and started our family.
Then I shifted to the second Mary…the stay-at-home Mom. My life was three kids under the age of four, not much sleep and moving around the country to follow my husband’s career. My biggest decisions were what’s for dinner and whether to nap or do laundry. I was defined by my kids’ school and activities, two decades of volunteering and one very messy kid hauling car.
Fast forward to the last high school graduation and dropping our youngest off at college. I remember the drive home. I felt unnerved. Not good, not bad, just not quite me.
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I’d been thinking about what would be next for me – the third Mary, while my kids were still in high school. Stepping into an empty-nester life was so unscripted that it felt both thrilling and terrifying. Once I got there I realized I still didn’t have any idea what I wanted to do with myself. So I vowed to figure it out.
I took a couple of classes, thinking maybe I’d go back to school.
I tried new hobbies
I did “vision board” and “follow your passion” workshops.
I read books on this transition . . . I mean every book I could find.
Instead of feeling more enlightened …. each of these things left me feeling a bit more stuck than the last. I had had a successful career and then reinvented myself as a stay-at-home Mom – why couldn’t I figure this out? At some point, it left me feeling drained and I decided to forget it.
Then one night, during a gathering with about ten women, I listened to the chatter and realized every one of them was going through this same thing. They were voicing the same frustrations I’d felt ... which I found both disheartening and intriguing.
This was my turning point. It became my motivation to find a way to help me, and all of us, get clarity on how to figure out our own personal “What’s Next”? I took courses and got certified as a Life Coach. My primary goal was to identify and teach an easier process to help women define and transition to their next best chapter in life.
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If you want to move toward feeling energized and inspired in your life, check out “My Method” or go to the “Book an Appointment” page to schedule a complimentary 45-minute chat to see what’s possible for you.